February 26, 2015 Penguin of the Week: Dige 2
It’s that time of the week again! No, not hump day, that was yesterday….it’s Penguin of the Week day! This week’s featured penguin is Dige 2, who was nominated by Tommy99 on saturday. Here’s why Dige was chosen:
Dige 2 has an outfit for every occasion – and the SoundStudio Party is no exception! He’s also a very generous friend who will always give postcards, igloo likes, and a kind word to anyone who needs cheering up.
As a reward for being Penguin of the Week Dige 2 received 10,000 coins and the exclusive Penguin of the Week background. Congratulations!
If there’s someone you’d like to nominate for Penguin of the Week you can do so by commenting on the Club Penguin Blog with their username and why they should be picked.