Club Penguin Releases “You Got This” As a Free Download

By / February 11, 2015

As promised, Club Penguin has released Cadence’s new song “You Got This” as a free download on their homepage today. The track, which is just over two minutes, is by both Cadence and the Penguin Band.

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 3.49.43 PM

Club Penguin has also updated the rest of their homepage. There is a new slider advertising the SoundStudio app as coming soon. There is also a section of the homepage that mentions the Talent Show Stage in the furniture & igloo catalogue that will be released later tonight.

Thanks Pen50gi!

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Can it be downloaded on mobile (iPad)?



Can it be downloaded on mobile (iPad)?



It’ll have to be downloaded to the computer before it can be put on a mobile device.