Minor Coins For Change 2014 Info: Catalogue Purchases Go Towards Donating

By / December 3, 2014

A friend of mine who said to be left unnamed recently discovered some information relating to this year’s Coins For Change in Club Penguin’s files. For the first time ever, when you purchase items from a catalogue on Club Penguin, those coins will go towards Coins For Change. For example, if you purchased a hoodie for 500 coins, that would mean 500 coins have gone towards the Coins For Change total. Here’s the text string from the code:

From Dec. 18 to Jan. 1, coins from your purchases will go to Coins For Change!

And another:

From Dec. 18 to Jan. 1, all purchases from this catalog go towards Coins for Change!

I do not know if it will be for all catalogues on Club Penguin (clothing, furniture and igloo, sports, etc) or only the Penguin Style, or even a special catalogue for the Merry Walrus party, if there is going to be one – which I doubt since Club Penguin now does tasks for items instead of buying items from a catalogue. The 18th of December is, of course, the day Coins For Change begins. This will be the eighth year in a row Club Penguin is doing the charity event.

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shouldn’t you be asleep

It could be a different time zone.



If I do recall correctly, him and I are in the same time zone. :p



im in EST so yah it was very late lol i was doing an outpaper for history and i didn’t finish it till 5 AM (Im a horrible procrastinator) so i got >1 hour of sleep



go to bed early tonight :P

I've Got No Name

I've Got No Name

You’re probably just in different time zones.