Club Penguin Pirate Party 2014 Room Sneak Peek
The Russian Club Penguin Team has posted a sneak peek on the Russian social network VK of the Beach at the Pirate Party 2014 and it looks like… Rockhopper’s ship is destroyed again! I wonder how he did it this time, considering there is no iceberg in the telescope’s view? Maybe he crashed into the lighthouse or the Megalodon attacked it…we’ll find out next week! Here’s the full image that was posted:
I can’t wait until the party is out!
Thanks Sasha!
UPDATE: Now they have tweeted it too.
Готовитесь к Пиратской вечеринке в #КлубПингвинов?Скоро все увидите!И на картинке что-то спрятано – пишите свои идеи!
— Клуб Пингвинов (@clubpenguinru) November 13, 2014
I fixed it. :)
Hello Trainman1405!
If I’m not mistaken…THE MIGRATOR HAS SUNK!
Waddle On!
Why do you always say “Waddle On!” After everything you write?
this remind me about save the migtor party
Would be better if you thank group, but not me.
Plus one of the messages on the EPF phone said a submersible blueprint was taken from Gary’s lab….
megalodon + Herbert + = mind controlled megalodon
Maybe we find out today! What if isneatd of getting closer, we see the ship crashing or getting attacked?!
this looks like it will be fun
Wow, that’s awesome! Even though I was looking forward to going on Rockhopper’s ship again.
Maybe the crabs destroyed it?
That’s What I Think, Too.
Megalodon is the best theory
I’ll go get the blueprints again….
Anyway, I think the pirate crabs did it, and I think they’re under the control of Herbert! He probably used Klutzy to get the crabs on his side so they could steal treasure from the island and, when Rockhopper came along, sink his ship to stop him from stopping them!
Can that ship go five seconds without sinking?
Worth pointing out that CP reused quite a free assets for this room such as The Lighthouse doorway is from the prehistoric party. And the tropical trees are from the Adventure Party