Club Penguin Pirate Party 2014 Day 6 Crab Battle: Forest
The next crab battle is released! Today the crabs are at the Forest.
By now you probably know what you need to do…defeat the crabs.
Once the crabs are deleted you can collect the treasure. Today’s free item for everyone is actually a furniture item! On the other hand members can pick up the Crock Costume.
Check back tomorrow for the seventh and final crab battle!
Hey Trainman! The title of this post is “Club Penguin Pirate Party 2014 Day 7 Crab Battle: Forest” and at the end you said “Check back tomorrow for the seventh and final crab battle!”
Yeah, I guess I bumped the 7 key instead of 6 when writing the title and did not realise. :) Thanks.
The Crock Costume is like the Croccodile from Peter Pan…. can you see the ressemblance? The Lost Lynx is like the Lost Boy from Peter Pan as well, and the Octo Legs look like Ursula’s from Little Mermaid
Hey, now I found another mistake. You said realise, not realize.
Realise and realize are both the correct spelling of the world. :)
The Croc costume…is that a reference to Tick Tock from Peter Pan?!!
You sure? I tried Microsoft Office Word and a red line (means incorrect spelling) appears under realise. It even happens here :)
If you change the language from regular English to British English it’ll say it’s a word. See:
Oh, ok. I guess so…
Wait a…? It is NOT 3:31 pm! Oh wait… I get it. It’s like it says “You can play Club Penguin between the hours of 7:00 am and 8:00 pm but I have to wait until 8:00 am and that’s when my school day starts! >:(
I am “I’ve Got No Name”, and now I literally don’t have a name!
Wait, how’d that happen? Lol!