Club Penguin Video: Hotel of the Living Sled
Hooray! It looks like Club Penguin hasn’t completely abandoned the Night of the Living Sled series. Today they uploaded a video titled “Hotel of the Living Sled” to their YouTube Channel. Unlike previous ones that were animated, this one features paper cutouts on popsicle sticks. You can give it a watch below:
How do you like it? I thought it was great! This has to be my favourite one. Hopefully we can get another new video in the series next year. :)
Cute and adorable video! ;D
I loved it! I also hope to see another episode, and if not, why not add this to the series in the Lighthouse next year?
haha :D they really did an AMAZING job on this video :D seriously we have being waiting for years to see a new Video in the Sled Series and Finnaly we get a new one and its Spooky Amazing :D
Pretty much the best one yet :-D
kewt :D