On This Day In Club Penguin History – September 6

By / September 8, 2014

So far updates on the 6th of September have only taken place in 2012, two years ago.

On this day in 2012 there were many new in-game updates. For starters there was a new pin released. The pin was the Windmill Pin and could be found at the Dock. The stage play was also updated to Space Adventure: Planet Y for the third time. Nothing was changed compared to the previous showing. The clothing catalogue was updated with new Fair items, as the September 2012 party was the Fair. It began on the 20th.

Club Penguin September 2012 Penguin Style

Other updates included the 98th EPF field op. For the newer penguins who are unfamiliar with field ops, each week Club Penguin would have orders we receive from Gary at the command room. We’d then have to figure out the room G was referring to, find the location, and once we did, our spy phone would ring and we’d play one of the games found in the Spy Drills game. If you won you’d get a EPF medal to use on buying elite gear. The location of the 98th one was at the Lighthouse Beacon next to the telescope and the game was to destroy the targets.

As for minor updates, there were the postcards being updated, Rockhopper leaving the island, the homepage being updated, and new login and logoff screens.


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