Club Penguin School & Skate Party 2014 Sneak Peek Video
Megg made a neat and funny sneak peek video of the School & Skate Party that begins tomorrow! If you don’t want the party spoiled for you then don’t watch the video in this post. If curiosity killed the cat and you want to know, then keep reading…
In the video Megg waddles around the island and speaks to different penguins, asking them what’s up and what their fashion statement is. The video also has a funny ending. Watch it below:
I think this is one of the Club Penguin Team’s better videos, as instead of just showing you the island there is a lot of dialogue between players instead of just solely focusing on the rooms. I applaud Megg and the rest of those involved for a job well done!
Paint related pins seen at the end!
Those are actually school supplies which can be collected during the party. I don’t know if it’s an actual pin or part of a scavenger hunt/etc.
OMG! THAT WAS FUNNY! but I feel bad for Megg. anyway, I’ll totally collect the art supplies!! I’m a Awesome Artist! Ham On!
CP Movie confirmed in dat :P
this is awesome the rooms look fantanstic
DEAR I need to go collect my pin
I like the Halloween Party Screen behind in the mall room haha
I…shall…resist. Less than 24 hours left till CP Updates…
Aaaannndd Once again club penguin DOES NOT decorate the entire island…. :/
I don’t think they showed the whole island. But yeah, I doubt the whole island is decorated for this. How would you like to see them decorate other rooms?
Wait, mentioned a possible movie with a polar bear….
Probably just a joke, but maybe…
CP movie plz
i dont really get it i am sorry i hurt my friend with my skateboard it really hurt him it was in cp
it was a CUT
cp movie is gonna be about a new penguin that moves to clunpenguin and yea saves he island.
if this is real lets hope the penguins look like the old cp penguins they were all fat and cool loking