Club Penguin To Add Ability To Save and Like Outfits
Recently Club Penguin player Lolnok discovered and publicised that Club Penguin has plans to add features allowing you to save outfits and also like the outfits of other players, similar to what you can currently do to igloos. Check out this code for Lolnok’s penguin. There are areas for total likes received and also outfits.
It is unknown when these features will be released, if the team decides to go ahead and do so.
but I still want more igloo slots
Good. Now I will never have to look for newer items in my inventory to match them up with another item and create an awesome combination outfit.
Yeah. It takes a long time for me to get all the way to the bottom since I have loads of things since 2011 :P
Oh please, I have almost every item from August 2006 – now. xD
2010 to now…
Did you know that Lolnok is the penguin who hacked CP in April?
That guy ban users and sent out some mean postcards.
Hacked? How o.0
What hack? What did Lolnok do back in April?
Postcards with inappropriate words.
And racist remarks.
He also ban users! He did the first server hack.
I can’t stand racism, but do we get to keep the swear word postcards? :3 (The non-racist ones of course)
Trainman, Did you know there is no-code in CP to verify this. He hasn’t even given proof of this (Like the URL)
V0rtex confirmed it’s real. I suspect I know where the code can be found.
Can u share it with us,
I believe it would be in the CP app’s files somewhere.
yassssssssss I buy EVERYTHING in EVERY catalog just in case i need it at some point lol.
so i do a lot of scrolling through useless items
same haha
i think lolnok should be banned because he banned some players accounts and he sent some innoporate postcard .. but he dint ban me ! . I’m going to email and tell to club penguin