Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!
Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their twenty ninth update week of 2014. This week contains some major updates. The expected updates this week are as follows:
- Music Jam 2014 (and mascots visit)
- DJ3K Replaced With SoundStudio
- Club Penguin Times Issue 456
- There’s a 99% chance there will be a new EPF message
If you have not already done the following I recommend you do so before Club Penguin updates:
- Say goodbye to DJ3K
Posts related to tonight’s updates include:
- Although unlikely, I will try my best to post a Music Jam roundup if I have time
Train, you haven’t posted about the EPF Message from last week’s updates.
It’s rare I post about EPF messages since they’re pointless. I only post them if they’re notable. :)
Goodbye DJ3K! :(
so 9 mascots? wow, this will be a busy party trying to meet them all including PB :/
Don’t worry, Cole, Sabrina, Zendaya, and Violetta aren’t mascots, just sprites. You’ll be able to meet them just by catching their shows on the cruise ship.
Luis, the guests will not be waddling around. They are only there to perform and give music packs. It’s only Cadence and the PB. :)
No luis ver. I don’t think ALL of the mascots will come
I rarely liked the DJ3K I think its kinda bland like club penguin did not make it that fun to play. And i don’t see that many people playing there dancing having fun anymore since 2012! ps sorry if this was kind of mean to people.
Cadence, Franky, Petey K, G Billy, Stompin Bob, Cole, Violetta, Sabrina and Zendaya are the 9 mascots visiting…. begin the hunt! I have to find all except Cadence!
Hi Train, do you know when (in CP Time, PST) CP updates tonight? I’m just wondering because I’m in the UK and I want to see if it’s at a reasonable time, I can change it into BST (British Summer Time)
Train, when do you usually go on to servers to take pictures of each month’s party? I’ll try to go on the server at the time you go on. :D
Trainman when the DJ3K is gone could we still play the game?
mascots won’t be visiting the island till tomorrow on thursday cause mascots stop visiting the island around 9;00 which is 6:00 penguin time. question train. the mascots are violetta zendaya sabrina cole and cadence and the penguin band right?
Train, Club Penguin added meetup times to the blog.
Train so do you think the new people are gonna waddle around the island? or are they just performing? or both?
btw train you need to post about the new code called FILMFEST’
Wait, what’s gonna happen to the DJ3K?
SoundStudio is taking its place.