The Spoiler Alert Episode 20: Futuristic Furniture and Igloos

By / May 12, 2014

It’s time for an all new Spoiler Alert! The 20th episode is titled “Futuristic Furniture and Igloos”. This week’s hosts are Bambalou, Nopenny2000, Ninja, and of course Megg.

Here are the sneak peeks the team showed off in their video:

The front page of the new newspaper:

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A sneak peek of the future portal at the Snow Forts.

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As a clue for the next pin, Ninja gave a hint. The new pin will be at the Lighthouse.

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Finally, here is the upcoming new Furniture & Igloo Catalogue. There will be a new igloo background, new igloo, and lots of new furniture.

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Check back next Monday for a new episode of The Spoiler Alert!

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Lol, all of these items already exist in our timeline. Anyway, I’m hoping for some wormhole or blackhole, or maybe a COSMOS: Space Time Odyssey reference. (I don’t believe everything in that show.)



I was expecting the Future Dome at the Snow Forts lol

luis ver

luis ver

i miss WaddleOn :( i hate how know is only one skecth



train, there also is a new log off screen