Club Penguin Times Issue #446 – Back From The Future!

By / May 7, 2014

Club Penguin has released a new newspaper! This is their 8th of May edition. This is the nineteenth issue of 2014 and brings us to a total of 446 published newspaper issues.

The main headline is this week’s newspaper is about Gary coming back from the future.

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The second main article in this newspaper issue is about Funny Hat Week being a success.

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Here are the upcoming events:

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The upcoming events listed are:

  • May 15 – New Pin
  • May 15 – New Furniture & Igloo Catalogue
  • May 15 – Construction at the Snow Forts
  • May 29 – New Pin

There is a very small hidden message in the newspaper. In Ask Aunt arctic, where it says “the EPF”, if you click it this message will appear. Thanks Tech70!

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Be sure to check out page two of the newspaper for even more content.

The following pages have been updated:

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how was the first mascot you met on cp



Rockhopper. He was the only mascot you could meet back in 2006.



I met Rockhopper randomly in Fair 2011 :D



I just noticed that the “Back from the Future” headline newspaper is actually a parody name of the film, “Back to the Future” :P.



Wow really?! You found out America!

tesco george

tesco george

train the club penguin magazine wrong it comes out 29th may