Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!
Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their eighteenth update week of 2014. This week contains some major updates. The expected updates this week are as follows:
- New Pin
- Funny Hat Week at the Dock
- Puffle Hotel and Puffle Park Added To Map
- Club Penguin Times Issue 445
- Probably a new EPF message
In the United Kingdom a new issue of Club Penguin’s magazine will be released.
If you have not already done the following I recommend you do so before Club Penguin updates:
Posts related to tonight’s updates include:
- Nothing this week!
Trainman,I found your penguin in the Club penguin 2013 mashup video remix!!!
Yeah, it’s pretty cool I’m in the video!
Wait it didn’t update (hint- I’ve noticed since I have ever started club penguin that they always update on a Thursday! #knowitall
Yeah, they’re updating tonight and theses posts are posted about 18 hours before they update with a list of the expected updates. :)
they took a year to update the map with the hotel :p
New code: [REMOVED] :) Give me credit
One year later..the puffle hotel is finally added to the map?
Just about as long as the EPF getting fixed! :p
train you made to u
22nd may: future party and club penguin times issue