Ice Rink Returns Along With December 2013 Snow and Sports Catalogue

By / December 4, 2013

Winter is nearly here! Club Penguin has done their usual December switch of turning the Stadium’s Soccer Pitch into the Ice Rink for the next few months. They also updated the Snow and Sports catalogue with suiting items.

Here is the cover of the catalogue:

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Here are the pages of the catalogue. There are no backgrounds or furniture available in it this time around.

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Here are the hidden items:

Click the Whistle for the Goalie Helmet. It costs 300 coins.

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Click the Hockey Stick for the Goalie Hockey Stick. It costs 300 coins.

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Click the ice skater’s face for the Snowy Sky Dress. This item is 450 coins.

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Click the Twizzle wig for the Free Skate wig. It is 350 coins.

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Here is the Ice Rink Stadium:

Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 10.16.33 PM

The following pages have been updated:

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Is it me, or does the lines on the Ice Rink look cleaner?



Yeah they slightly changed the rink.



Cool! But I’ll miss the squiggly lines.



Ice Hockey is BACK!! WOO!



A long time…I hope the Ice Rink stays longer than expected (9 months) because the Soccer Pitch returned in March 2013 and it stayed for 9 months, so well, just to get fair. I like both stadiums, Soccer or Hockey however so for me, its not much of a bother.



look where the snowy night parka ended up…



The Operation Puffle logo is sill there…..



Yep, I posted before Club Penguin finished updating so for a little bit the logo was still showing up. :)



Did Anyone see That On Both Bobsled Pages, In The Corner It Doesn’t Have The “Members Items” Sign, Unlike the other Pages, Ps. There Still Members Only