Minor Club Penguin Updates: Login and Logoff Screens, Postcards
Along with Club Penguin’s big updates tonight there are some minor ones. Here is a roundup of each and every one. For starters there is a new login screen with Puffle Item Digging. I’m sure most if not all items shown on the penguins (except PH’s outfit) will be available. Too bad I have all these items…
There is also a new logoff screen for the Star Wars Takeover. It says members can get 20+ costumes. The party starts July 25th and ends August 13th.
The postcard catalogue has been updated too.
The following page has been updated:
Hope the ewok is one of the costumes you can get
Also makes me cry I got your penguin header, Train. :*( now you look so… NEW! *sobs*
Is the item digging coming tonight?
Yup, it’s out now!
#TrainmanProblems I have all of these items :(
I find it strange that random clothes are burried under the snow, and that puffles suddenly got the ability to detect them. Either way, I’m excited to check it out.
hey did you realize sensei is obi-wan and padme is cadence. Also look at Tatooine next to the death star