May 2013 Pay Day!
Happy May! It’s Pay Day everyone! Club Penguin has started to send all the EPF agents and tour guides their monthly allowances for their duties. The amount is the same as always, so no surprise there.
If you haven’t received your paychecks yet don’t worry, as Club Penguin is still sending them out. Penguins made in 2005 will receive them sooner than a penguin made last month, so it might take a little while to get yours! I personally need to finish buying the Marvel costumes and new furniture…what are you going to spend your coins on?
Can you add me on pinguiny, I sent you a request but I’m not sure if you got it :P
I accept any request it gets. :)
I already bought every thing, I’ll save mine for CJS items!
Traiman look this
It is working
Yeah I posted about that a long time ago but Polo Field asked me to take it down so I did.
It’s a Happy May for me. My mother’s birthday is tommorow (May 2nd) and mine is May 4th. :D
How come penguins made in 2005 get theirs first?
CP probably sends them by penguin ID, starting with the oldest penguin and working their way to the most recent one. They have to start somewhere.
PAY-MAY-DAY! (Lol it rhymed!)
train,i already no have pinguini in my buddy list,acept Graciosin 44
complitely elimineted rocky and cece,of all my buddy mascots,i cant only open the playcard of rocky and cece,but they cant removed the pic of they from our buddy list,odd CP
U have brother :P