On This Day In Club Penguin History – April 1
Updates on the 1st of April have occurred in 2002! On the first of April in 2002 the Christmas Party was released. The free items at it were for only nonmembers, meaning members couldn’t get anything! The items were a tin can and oh wait, April Fools! On the real 1st of April there were updates in 2010 and 2011.
In 2010 there were two different updates. There was a new clothing catalogue featuring casual outfits and also environment friendly clothes. As for the April Fool’s Day Party, that year there were some returning room designs and also some brand new room designs. The free item for everybody was a Propeller Cap.
In 2011 there was a new clothing catalogue too. The main theme of the items was wacky outfits.
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I was wondering about the 2003 thing ;)
Hello Trainman! you have made a typo, it should say “2013” not “2003” :)
2003 was for April Fool’s Day. ;)
On April 1st 2013 The Weakest Link April Fools 2003 Special Aired
uh you wrote 2003? is that supposed to be something else?
No, I did 2003 on purpose for April Fool’s. :)
I’m in that pcture!
April fools! :)
~ Nikubhai
Updates on the 1st of April have occurred in 2003! On the first of April in 2003 the Christmas Party was released. The free items at it were for only nonmembers, meaning members you make me laugh train good joke,in 2003 CP didnt exist
the best thing you said was On the first of April in 2003 the Christmas Party was released. In april?LOL
WHAT? “Updates on the 1st of April have occurred in 2003! On the first of April in 2003 the Christmas Party was released.”
Yes, just a small April Fool’s Day joke. :)
I changed 2003 to 2002 to remove confusion. ;)
At first I didn’t notice.
‘have occurred in 2002! On the first of April in 2002 the Christmas Party…’
“Wait, what? 2002?
Ohhh…. April Fools’.”
And I didn’t notice the Christmas Party on April joke, either. Good one ;)
Updates on 1st April 2002 – ME BEING BORN!!!
No it happened in 78396!! XD
! sloof lripA si yadot (darwkcab dear) Try 2 R3VD T!HS!
(T_ _ d _ _ _ s A _ _ _ _ _ _o_s!)
Lol train try to figure my name and what i said
Today is April Fools!
Trainman… uh?! The update of 2002 was on penguin chat? I do not remember much from the time i was playing penguin chat…
That was an April Fool’s Day joke.
It was an April Fool’s Day joke.