January 25, 2013 Field Friday (Now Over)
UPDATE: Today’s Field Friday is now over!
What time is it? Time for you to get a watch! Just kidding. It’s time for Field Friday! For those of you who do not know what Field Friday is, it is an event that happens every Friday on Club Penguin where Polo Field holds a meetup in a server of his choice! Penguins will chat, visit igloos, and even play hide and seek! The meetup this time is taking place in the server Sleet, as specified in this tweet.
Have fun! Remember, tomorrow is Spike Saturday!
Polo Field was on the CP Wikia chat earlier. ;)
It was great chatting with him!
I was there!! :)
~Perapin :)
We were all in his igloo waiting for him… them he came in and was surrounded by loads of penguins. After about ten seconds he left :( .
I was there! It was fun looking for him.
Any news on spike Saturday????
It hasn’t been announced yet.
but at what time and how are we going to know where the volcano is at at your iggloo?
Trainman let me congratulate you for youre hard work in the website and the big help your bringing to us thank you!