On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 27

Updates on the 27th of November have happened in two different years on Club Penguin as of now. Those years are 2006 and 2009. There was only one update in 2006, which was the 2nd PSA mission being released. The title of this mission is G’s Secret Mission, in which Gary the Gadget Guy has you do a personal mission for him. Mission 3 came out several months later in early 2007 and was the first mention of Herbert. After the second mission all PSA missions followed a plot line.

Moving ahead to 2009 there were three updates. The Soccer Stadium was replaced with the Ice Rink, something that happens every year in November or December. (usually December now) Along with the room switching the sports catalogue was updated, featuring hockey and ice skating items. Finally, the big event of that month, the Great Snow Maze, was released. As you might have assumed from the title it is a giant maze made out of snow. That is correct. It’s like the Underwater Expedition we had in January 2012 but with snow. The whole maze was only for members.

The following items were mentioned in this article:

24 thoughts on “On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 27

  1. Uhh hi Train. I’m extremely sorry that I haven’t updated the tracker lately, but my laptop broke down, and I have to use my phone to access the internet .. sorry again, hopefully it will be fixed soon!

  2. 2009 was the best year ever, despite my penguin joining in July 2008. This maze was so fun, and you forgot to mention the rumour about yetis on the island. And the new snow boards.

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