On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 20

By / November 20, 2012

On the 20th of November there were three updates in the year of 2009. They were a new pin, new furniture catalogue, and new igloo catalogue. Starting with the pin, it was a Hot Chocolate Pin and was located in the Coffee Shop. It was in the top left corner next to the couch. Moving onward to the igloo upgrade catalogue that was released now, the Snowy Backyard Igloo was released for the first time ever, costing member penguins 3,500 coins to purchase.

As for the furniture catalogue, it contained some regular furniture such as the Modern Chair and Large Aquarium. On the other hand, it also featured some furniture items such as the Snow Arch in order to build a snow fort in your igloo.

The following items were mentioned in this article:

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Train Btw Rookie is captured



rookie cApture



I’ve always wanted both of those igloos but I wasn’t here when they came out.