Blog Post By Polo Field: What Did You Like About Reviewed By You’s? (and new CP video coming tomorrow)
If you want to take a few minutes to read a post by Polo Field over on his personal blog, check out this new post he made! He asked us a few questions as to what we like about the reviewed by you’s posted on the Club Penguin Blog. Daffodaily5 said this to me the other day on the regular Club Penguin Blog:
In addition, he stated the following – a new video is coming soon!
In other news… We just finished a little video for you. Moose just sent me it, and we should have it up by tomorrow. You’ll see!!
maybe it will be an animation of operation blackout,like cp always do
Trainman I accidently updated Rockhopper Tracker instead of herbert and its twetted on twitter Sorry!
I Quickly Changed it after.
It’s fine, I make that mistake too sometimes. :P Thanks for your hard work!
I think the video will be about Herbert failing to take over Club Penguin.
Ha I started this whole bringing back reviewed by you thing and now its gotten HUGE!
thx train, great post! ;))
Yay I can’t wait to see the new Video!!! Can You Trainman?
Nope! I can hardly wait too.
But Daffodaily5 replied to you… xD (You said he)