Club Penguin Operation Blackout Sneak Peek
Polo Field has just tweeted a sneak peek having to do with Operation Blackout!
It reads:
Attention Agents – I need your help! Someone is inside my lab, and I think that they’re–
*BZZZZKT* \-connection lost\-
Gary! D: we are gonna lose this mission/fight
I bet Herbert captures Gary D:
“I think the’re — Guess: going to capture him!! See its easy!
It sounds like somebody is going to get him.
What about that capture list? (Herbert’s list)
Anyway one question: THEY’RE??
someones inside my lab,and i think there-gonna capture me!
Is it just me or does this look like a message from a System Defender level?
It looks like a files ops. Wonder how CP is going to do this.
eww. This is going to be a Field Op and not a PSA-esque mission. Sigh :(
I know right?
Actually, this looks more like a level from System Defender.
Nvm. This is a Field-Op.
Well Its all up to me although he should of tried capturing me first in fact I am that pesky penguin he always wants to stop.
I think he will capture evry mascot then the director will try to save us and himself but Herbert will catch us and the director
Ha, nevermind! This looks nothing like a level from System Defender! It doesn’t look like a Field-Op, either…
OK! Last comment, this does look like a Field-Op. :P
She-Ra here again!!!,
we are not going to lose!!!!!.like jpg said:”don’t you you never learn herbert?,you’ll never defeat the epf”.
we’ll be on the case!!!!!!!!!!!!.
accept that part.
I also became the “S FORCE CAPTAIN OF THE ELITE PENGUIN FORCE!!!!!!!!!!”.
– Shera54321
Isn’t that System Defender?
It might be, but System Defender has white text and not yellow so I don’t know.