Club Penguin Halloween Party 2012 Video Sneak Peek
Polo Field from the Club Penguin Team is working on the Halloween Party 2012 sneak peek, and was nice enough to post a picture of it in a blog post on his website. Businesmoose is in the same room as Polo Field was in the first sneak peek image of the party that was given out, having been posted onto the Club Penguin Wiki by Polo Field himself. How soon do you think the video will be online? I’m guessing next week sometime.
Why polo? Why?
:D lol
Cool Seems like a play!
dear trainman on ur upcoming events chart u said ghost just wanna dance comes for sale oct. 7 but on music vid discrepsions it said oct. 9
It’ll be out in the United Kingdom on the 7th so I put the earlier date first. I’ll correct it for both countries. Thank you!
Wow, maybe it’ll also be partially episode 1 of the Moose and Polo show…? It looks cool.
Looks like it could partially be also episode 1 of the Moose and Polo Show… :P Moose is talking about Polo…like they’re going on the adventure to the Mansion. Trololo
Who is Polo field and why does everyone hate him?
As far as I’m aware nobody hates Polo Field. He works for Club Penguin.