Minor Club Penguin Updates: Postcards

By / August 23, 2012

Along with all the big updates today, a minor update involves the postcard catalogue. The featured postcards now lists the Follow Me and Rockhopper postcards. The Actors Needed postcard was previously listed before the update.

There should be a new EPF message later today, too.

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Blue 28z

Blue 28z

Where is the new hula skirt? Post and Reply Quick! Your Friend Blue 28z



Rockhopper’s Catalogue

Blue 28z

Blue 28z

What it’s name and does it have a special dance?

Brakeless Ck

Brakeless Ck

I saw that already



TRAINMAN! Rookie is gonna have a new backround!



Hey Trainman1405,
There is a bug where when you put on the Volcano Costume and dance it makes your penguin’s beak slide sideways.
Give me credit.