Club Penguin April 2012 Furniture Catalogue Items

By / March 8, 2012

Along with the release of the March 2012 Furniture Catalogue Club Penguin has updated their furniture file with items for next month. I think they have to do with the whole earth day/environment/animals thing.

Floor Items:

  • Jungle Bloom for 300 coins
  • Jungle Fern for 300 coins
  • Jungle Flora for 275 coins
  • Acacia Tree for 450 coins
  • Desert Stones for 100 coins
  • Hippopotamus for 500 coins
  • Zebra for 500 coins
  • Watering Hole for 500 coins

The Watering Hole is a floor item but will be sorted in the rugs/mats section. It’ll probably be similar to the Ice Fishing Decal.

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Earth Day Party most likely.

AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez

Yeah… seems like it.



That was an event.



yep it was