When Is Club Penguin Going To Release Server Jumping?
Server Jumping. After Club Penguin first teased it last month, many penguins have been wondering when it’ll be released. Not even I know. While I think it’s soon, (seeing Club Penguin has some stuff about it on their website) I don’t know how soon. Even when Club Penguin first released their overhauled buddy list system, there was snippets of it in their files about it. Here’s a few lines of code thanks to Pen50gi.
public static const FRIENDS_JUMP:String = “friendsJump”;
this.connection.sendMessage(HANDLER, JUMP_CROSS_SERVER_CMD);
How soon do you think it will be? Tomorrow? Next week? December? What do you think the holdup is? I want to know what you think.
hmmmm…. hopefully it will come out tomorrow because then we can track sensei easier. Oh and train will u please update ur racker as SOON as u find him!!!
u never update the tracker when u find them. :(
I’ll try my best.
I guess it will be released in Mid-December
ok thanks. I just really want to find them but since i have a strict computer time, I usually don’t have enough time to search.
because of that, i have never found a mascot.
can u check cp bugs. i posted a comment.
I replied.
I have piano soon!!!
*sigh* :(
Ill never be in a post.
lol train i found out how to get on club penguin on my school computer!!!!!!
it was so easy! all i did was go to so dudes club penguin website and then clicked a “play now” botton he had on his blog and it toke me to cp! HORRAY!
lol actuly there whole website blocking sytem must have brock down! LOLOLOLOl
DARN! Now there system is working again. :(
At my school, it lets us go on Cp, but when you are logging in the swirly things loads forever.
well i’m do cyber school so it’s at my house. :)
My school gifted/quest computer has Iprism. But, at my normal school we can’t get on. I wish we could. Why do they have to block everything!! It’s like they don’t want kids having fun, its like we need to learn to much stuff.
I like school but I hate that it’s blocked.
Lol well they want kids to focus on work, not play games. :P
I hope soon trainman it will be easier to find cp mascots it’s cool I’ve seen videos of people doing it is cool I love you’re posts trainman
Thanks! :)