Club Penguin’s Night of the Living Sled in HD Video
Club Penguin has uploaded several videos to their YouTube Channel! You can watch Night of the Living Sled 1, 2, and 3 in HD, a video blog about Night of the Living Sled, a commentary, and bloopers! You can access it all from one video. The bloopers are my favorite, they are hilarious!
sorry to ask this again but have you seen gary yet?
Nope. My friend said he won’t be on until the 24th.
train… club penguin has added 2 wallpapers… A brown puffle with gogles, and a halloween party background with a werewolf and some other stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and to the point you should post about them now…
I don’t post wallpapers and stuff like that, only add them to the pages. Sorry. :P
you don’t post when a new wallpaper comes out?
Not to important.
hey train why is your gravatar a pic of a eagle/hawk?
I know this is a weird question but if you answer this Q say thats it’s because you like birds of prey, you would be just like me!
I’ve had it for the longest time. I like blue and it’s nice and simple. :P
I like the bloopers, too! Witch one is your favorite, Trainman? I like the part when the orenge puffle pops out of the snow pile insted of the living sled.
I like the beginning when the tree falls down. :)
i like the one when the scintist is fliping the switch and it won’t work!
I heard he won’t be on until the 24th.
yeah. I’m emailing cp about this to see when he actuly is coming on… It better be soon! :P