Why Club Penguin Field Ops ARE NOT Ending

By / June 10, 2011

It’s been a little over two weeks since we last received a Field Ops Mission – the last one being Club Penguin Field Ops 46. Anyway, several days ago (right before The Director sent us a EPF message saying Field Ops are temporarily suspended) there were some penguins thinking that they were cancelled.

Club Penguin wouldn’t suddenly cancel Field Ops without warning. It’d be impossible, too. Sure, we defeated Herbert and yeah, the Director said they are temporarily suspended for a little bit. Even though some of us earned the stamp for earning 50 EPF medals, the last stamp of its kind, they are not over. The only way you can have that stamp if you’ve completed every field ops, every system defender, and defeated Herbert. Think about all the penguins that have not completed all the field ops whether it be due to not joining until recently or not logging on to complete it that week. So no, Field Ops are not gone forever, they’ll be back at some point, and even the Director let us know. Just wanted to debunk that rumor going around. :)

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