Club Penguin Herbert To Cause Another Earthquake On Club Penguin?

By / May 26, 2011

In this week’s newspaper (Issue 293) there is an all new message from Herbert that looks like that.

It reads:

“Greetings Extremely Pointless Fowl… Prepare for a menace of medieval magnitude! First the EPF – then the island!

Now, there was one word that stuck out to me – magnitude. While that does mean a lot, it also has to do with earthquakes. Old PSA agents might remember when Herbert caused the earthquake on Club Penguin several two years back.  In fact, it had to do with an all new mission. It’s called Mysterious Tremors.

Based on Herbert’s message, do you think he has a huge plan involving earthquakes, or is my theory whack? Will be be seeing a Mission 12 on Club Penguin or the Elite Penguin Force’s first ever mission? I guess only time will tell..

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Water Party

Water Party

I got it! CP wanted the Music Jam to be in June instead of July this year because Herbert would cause an earthquake in July and the island would be flooded, like in Herbert’s Revenge. Lots of penguins loved the Water Party, and many were new and wanted to see it, so CP planned this for us! July is the hottest month of the year anyway, isn’t it? I bet they’ll bring out some kind of unmbrella hat for everyone to get for free, and then some member item like a new rubber duck or something. In the July penguin styles catalog, they’ll probably bring back the blue rubber duck. Maybe the free member item during the party would be an orange duck.
How do YOU like MY theory? (I make theories a lot…)



That’s actually a pretty good theory! Hopefully they have a water party closer to what it was like in 2007. :)