Minor Club Penguin Updates: Postcards, Homepage, Buddy List, Sensei

By / May 8, 2013

Along with Club Penguin’s big updates today, here are the smaller ones! If you check out the postcards you will see that they have been updated. Now listed on the first page are Card-Jitsu, Let It Snow, and Let’s Hang Out.

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When a penguin logs in it now says they are logged in. Thanks Andybillson! Another buddy list related update is that any missing buddies now appear!

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The homepage is now updated with a new background and My Penguin advertisement. Thanks again Andybillson and also thanks to Coollegoguy4!

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Sensei’s buddy list icon has been updated. Thanks Dr Flopper!

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The following page has been updated:

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Lets hang out looks like an old postcard like Aloha!



Trainman on the actual Buddy List it says either Online, Mobile or Offline instead of room names.

Snow Sensei

Snow Sensei

but you can´t click on any mascot player card (open mascot´s player card) :(

Snow Sensei

Snow Sensei

bug fixed :D



who is even here



Seriously, Sensei looks just….absolutely terrible.

luis ver

luis ver

i cant wait to see sensei



can we just see it now instead of soon



i would say this it’s just a ripoff we need to see it now or it is just mean