Club Penguin Prehistoric Party 2016 Information and Item Sneak Peeks

By / January 5, 2016

Back in November I wrote that Club Penguin’s January event would be a Prehistoric Party. Since then more details about the up and coming party have been discovered, which I’m here to share with you!

First off, the Prehistoric Party won’t be a Good Dinosaur Takeover. It’s just a regular ol’ party. However there will be some Good Dinosaur clothing items – but only in the Penguin Style.

Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 10.53.13 AM

In fact, I know what the items look like! There will be seven different items. Four body items, two feet items, and a head item. Here’s all of them:


I’m guessing the items will all be members only.

Now for party phrases:

  • Hello! Dot the Design Gal here. There’s a new Penguin Style and it has The Good Dinosaur costumes. I love dressing up, so I can’t wait to try them!
  • Return to 2016 (Once again the Time Trekker will be returning)
  • Earn unique items like the First Fire or the T-Rex Hoodie before Feb. 3
  • Find power fragments
  • Jet Pack Guy: We got a lead on the UFO case. On Jan. 21, get ready for time travel.
  • Click this icon for directions to optimal digging spots. Good luck and ugga ugga!
  • Gary: Greetings! The Time Trekker 3000 is ready. We need to dig up prehistoric power fragments to create a new UFO power source.
  • Gary: A splendid result! Thanks to your excavations, we have rebuilt the UFO power supply.

To summarise, the Prehistoric Party will be a continuation of Operation: Crustacean. We’ll be traveling back in time to find prehistoric power fragments to create a new power source for the spacecraft that is currently residing at the Dock. We’ll find and build the power supply and then the alien puffles will be on their way. I do not know if the prehistoric power fragments will be gotten through the Dino Dig game or something else, but I’m willing to bet it’s Dino Dig.

Thanks Brookelas!

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