Club Penguin Blog: SoundStudio Party 2015 – Don’t Miss This!

By / February 24, 2015

Polo Field has made a new post on Club Penguin’s blog. For it he asked a bunch of people around the studio what they wanted to do at the SoundStudio Party, and based on their responses he compiled a list of what to do. Here’s everything you shouldn’t miss at the party before it ends on March 4th!


  1. Play a song at each stage of Snowball Records (don’t forget your reward!!)
  2. Like as many concert and awards show iggys as you can!
  3. Listen to remixed songs in the Dance Club
  4. Nominate a friend for an award at the Awards Ceremony
  5. Throw down in the limo’s dance pool
  6. Make some noises and start a jackhammer flash mob in the Snow Forts
  7. Take your puffles in to the Coffee Shop (because that’s what the celebrities do right?)
  8. Wear your most outrageous outfit and summon your entourage to make a splash on the red carpet
  9. Check out the SoundStudio app on your mobile device (I would…but it’s not out yet….)
  10. Host a VIP party backstage!

I wonder what ever happened to the Penguin Band visiting, because that should have definitely been on the list….

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luis ver

luis ver

i agree!!! i was waiting for meet Cadence and PB to be on the list :(



Cp lied :p the penguin band will never waddle around at this party! Also their newspaper is giving us Wrong information! They said “epic stages all around the island for u to perform on”….. Did you ANY stages around the island???? Did you see them???? :p. Clubpenguins parties and party items and catalogs everything, cp is going downhill every month :/

tesco george

tesco george

The app is coming tomorrow bud



When do you think the app will come out?



Probably Thursday.



I dont think thursday because normally they post someting on the blog to make sure people are aware of a new app launch! And they havent posted anything about the launch of this app yet so yeah i think the launch will not be thursday



At this rate they’re not even going to release it during the party. :/