Club Penguin Blog: Jungle Party with Chatta
Are you ready for Chattabox’s party this week? As of me writing this post it is less than two days away! This week’s party will be jungle themed. Here is what Chattabox wrote on Club Penguin’s blog:
Thanks for joining me for Chatta College; I hope you all learnt lots and has a great time – I know I did! Here’s a picture of the party –
This week I’ve been getting my jungle groove on and decorated my igloo with all sorts of crazy jungle items! So I thought, lets have a jungle party! I’ve found a super awesome leopard outfit which looks so cool with my pink bunny slippers! Come and join me for jungle madness; dress in your favourite jungle-inspired outfit and bring along some jungle jokes and jungle facts. I will make sure I have some to share with you too!
Let’s meet in the Forest on the Down Under server on Thursday 23rd October. Here are the times:
* 4:00 PM East Australian Standard Time
* 6:00 PM New Zealand Standard Time
* 10:00 PM Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday, October 22nd for everyone over in the US and Canada
* 6:00 AM on Thursday, October 23rd for my pals in the UK
Will you attend?
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