Sorry about all of the downtime! (we should be good now)
UPDATE: Everything is in working order now. If you find anything wrong, let me know!
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to apologise for the downtime across almost all of my websites. They were down for about a day and a half. Tech163, Loki Terry, and I are all working to resolve the issue where my sites keep crashing and being down for what is usually long periods of time.
In the meantime a few things are disabled as you’ve probably noticed. Things like page and post rating, fancy image viewing on pages, and more are temporarily disabled. They will be back once the site is fully restored. (nothing was lost, don’t worry!)
More awesome content is on the way. Stay frosty! :)
Also, a note to the tracking team – trackers are disabled due to this, but they will be back soon.
i was scared :(
Don’t worry, Club Penguin Memories is here to stay. :)
You’re 17. You’ll be done with this by the time you go to College (1-2 years).
Thanks! That started about 4:00 PM yesterday for me! I thought it was just me. :)
I thought it was gone forever.
U scared me :(
Stay frosty. :P I will :)
train, please don’t let this happen again, I was thinking one of the world’s best CP blogs was gone forever ):
this is my fave site
When it said something about wordpress, I could still get it on my android phone.
Hah you’re telling me. Check out my site
lol it says I’m online in :P