Club Penguin Homepage Teases Puffles In Upcoming Club Penguin App update

Late last week Club Penguin added another homepage slide to their homepage. It advertises the upcoming Puffles update, which will be available on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. I’m guessing it will be available next week when the Puffle Party and Puffle Park are released on Club Penguin.

Club Penguin Has a New Homepage For First Time Visitors

If you visit for the first time (or if you clear your browser’s cache and cookies) you will be greeted with a different homepage, one that says “Welcome to Club Penguin” with a big button to play the game.

Igloo Music Updated

As expected, Club Penguin has updated the igloo music selection. Many of these tracks are going to be found at the Muppets World tour party that begins next week.

Penguin of the Week Penguins Now Get a Special Background

By the looks of it, if you are a Penguin of the Week you will now be receiving a special background in addition to 10,000 coins and the Green Viking Helmet. When Club Penguin updated last night they added a new Penguin of the Week background to their files.

Postcards Updated – January 2014

Club Penguin has updated their postcards for this month! Out with the old holiday ones and in with the prehistoric and miscellaneous ones.