April 5, 2013 EPF Message
Gary has sent out a brand new EPF message to all the agents. For once it’s important!
On a side note, one thing I don’t like about the new spy phone is I can’t copy/paste the messages, I now have to type it out. :P
Gary said:
A highly unstable, flammable substance was stolen from the Pizza Parlor! This could have exceedingly devastating consequences. I repeat. This is bad.
Could Herbert have been working on a bomb or did he just want to make a fire for warmth?
Thanks @SuperkidSPG!
Hello Train, long time no talk :P
I know it’s off topic, but I just saw a new Marvel commercial on Nickelodean! It starts off with robots saying “We thought we crushed them. But we were wrong.” When you see it, give me credit plz!
Oh, and don’t you mean ″on a side note″?
I did, fixed!