More Proof Club Penguin Is Updating Their Logo Soon (UPDATE: Confirmed By Billybob!)
UPDATE: I asked Billybob on Twitter and he confirmed it!
@Trainman1405 yes, it's coming, but I can't confirm when. :)
— Lane Merrifield (@lanemerrifield) October 1, 2012
Starting with the Club Penguin Quiz Cards packaging, the Club Penguin logo is different – the colours are modified and it’s more shiny. Disney hasn’t said anything about a logo change yet, but it’s definitely coming – I predict on October 24th. So far the logo change has only been seen on the quiz cards, but the image below is officially from Disney and once again, has the new logo. Take a look (Thanks, Djf!)
This is the logo now:
There is definitely a difference coming, and it’s all but concrete now. The upcoming new membership cards will also have the new logo.
Maybe when they update the community page, they’ll have a new logo on the website…? :P
when you said ” The upcoming new membership cards also have the logo.” Don’t you mean ” The upcoming new membership cards WILL also have the NEW logo”?
Yes, thanks.
anyways, are you still going to change it?
Oops, thought I did.
there we go. :)
who cares its basically the same thing
I want them to stay with the same logo ….
Wow. This is a great improvement.
Love the shiny logo. Scrap the old logo ~ its boring
Yes! This is going to be great!
Usually I hate when CP changes stuff, but this isn’t so bad. At least it’s still the same colors and font as before
I kinda like the old one better, it’s gonna be hard to make logos for my site with the new one because now I will have to add the shiny stuff!
You can copy the logo picture. Get and then erase the background and copy the image. Also, you can get the font and use the tools to make it shiny.
how do you get picks on your comments
I like the old one better. CP changes everything. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the current one
Hey penguins!
Cool picture!
It looks preeeeetty much the same