Join The Club Penguin Memories Tracking Team! (v2 – accepting more members!)
As you may recall, shortly before the Puffle Party started I was taking submissions for users to be a part of the Club Penguin Memories Tracking Team. As I said when I posted the ten team members, the response was overwhelming! Many of you still wanted to be on the team, and I’d definitely hire you all if I could. After weighing the options, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to hire another 10 members, so now I’m going to increase the tracking team member count to 20! From there I’ll decide whether or not I need more or if I’m good, which I think I will be. If you’re not picked, please don’t be discouraged! It does not mean I don’t like you – I like each and every one of you. :)
Some things to note:
- If you already applied, you do not need to fill out the form again – just comment on this post letting me know you’re still interested. I have saved all the previous tracking team submissions. If you absolutely want to, though, you can fill out the form again.
- If you have never applied to be on the team, you need to fill out the form below. It should be self explanatory, but if you have any questions feel free to ask me them. Make sure you put in your real email address so I can contact you if you’re chosen.
- If you are already on the team you don’t need to do anything. You’re good to go.
Once I pick ten more members I will post them on this website and update the staff page with your penguin names. Good luck! If I would, I’d put you all on the team. Trust me on that one. ;-)
[contact-form-7 id=”41009″ title=”Contact form 1″]
I am still interested.
I am still interested to join.
Train I’m Still Interested :) GO Tracking Team GO! :D K Bye :|
i put a thing in for the puffle party one
Yeah i am still interested.
Yes! I can confirm I am still interested in being on the tracking team :)
If you’re already on the team you’re good to go. ;-)
I am also interested! :)
I am still interested. :)
I still want to be in it:)
I don’t have an e-mail :( Can I still be on the tracking team?
An email address is required.
A email is needed
I don’t know if I ever expressed this but thank you for accepting me the previous time. ;)
i still want to be a member
Train I am still interested in being on the tracking team :D K Bye
When are you posting the winners??
I will pick Thursday or Friday.
>>Train What Day Will You Pick The 10 People For The Tracking Team?!?!>>
Your Penguin Pal,
~Bob B 123~ :)
Thursday or Friday I will pick.
I’m still interested, a lot.
Are you doing a theory of the April Fools party?
Yup, later today it’ll be published along with another post listing what updates are tonight.
Yes Sir!
Yeah, I hope you will pick thursday :) it’ll be the best and so far only career with cp if I get in :D
I’m still interested. :D
I still want to be in it
I would like to be part of the tracking team.
I would like to be part of the tracking team. :D