Test Your Knowledge With The Ultimate Club Penguin Quiz!

By / August 26, 2013

Earlier today Polo Field posted to his Twitter account asking for some Club Penguin trivia questions, as he was making a quiz to test out the game knowledge of new Club Penguin team members. He compiled a list of some of the questions we sent him and posted it to his website! If you’re interested in seeing how much you know about Club Penguin, you can check out his post and see if you know the answers to any of the questions. Some are harder than others. Here’s an example of a few of the questions he included:

Who are the founders of Club Penguin?

When did Club Penguin update the buddy list?

Who was the stowaway in the book Rockhopper and the Stowaway?

What was “MCCP”?

And many more! Go ahead, head on over to his website, read over the questions, and for fun see if you know many of the answers!

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Longest.. Quiz…. EVER



#1 Billybob



Billybob, Rsnail,screenhog Happy77
October 2011

luis ver

luis ver

WOW finally a quiz perfect to me :p