Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!
Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their eighth update week of 2014. This week contains some major updates. The expected updates this week are as follows:
- The 2014 Fair
- Rookie Visits
- New Pin
- Club Penguin Times Issue 435
- Probably a new EPF message
There will also be a new episode of #WaddleOn today.
If you have not already done the following I recommend you do so before Club Penguin updates:
Posts related to tonight’s updates include:
- This week’s Spoiler Alert and party roundup when I post it
Whers the spoiler alert?
Posted :)
As well as last weeks #TheSpoilerAlert ;P
It’s been posted.
Penguin Band will visit too. They will perform also
do not forget the penguin band are coming too
The fair is already near?!? Wow…
CP changed the membership expiry warning! I just logged in to Spydar007 Jr and was greeted with this:
I don’t know how long ago they changed it, but they have!
Hey trainman! I emailed Club Penguin a few times, and I suggested that they throw a disney’s “frozen” takeover party? So do you think that would be a good idea? K Thanks and Waddle on!
It’s be cool!
Replace ‘major’ with ‘epic’ as the Fair is gonna be epic xD. Joke.