Minor Club Penguin Updates: YouTube Channel, Polo Field Instagram, Postcards, and More
Along with the big updates on Club Penguin here are some other smaller ones. First of all, the YouTube Channel owned by Club Penguin now has a wicked Halloween design!
Polo Field has an Instagram account for those of you who use the photo sharing social network. His username is ‘polofield’. I have yet to confirm if ‘clubmoose’ on Instagram is Businesmoose or not, but it seems likely.
There are new Halloween postcards! (well not new, they’ve returned but they’re newly added again)
There are also more font changes on Club Penguin, for example under a catalogue.
The Club Penguin homepage has been updated.
Club Penguin updated their banner. Thanks @Luigi755!
There is a new log in screen.
The following pages have been updated:
Yay Polo Field made his Instagram not private =)
Oh silly me it’s still locked.
Can I have ur Instagram train???
Thanks I will follow you I’m sachinm29
Lulz thanks
Trainman, the new small banner is now updated ;)