New Membership Expiration Popup & Postcards

By / July 5, 2012

If your membership is going to expire soon, upon logging on you’ll get a new popup that looks like this listing the date it expires. Clicking ‘Learn about renewal’ brings up Club Penguin’s membership page.

Clicking Questions & Answers brings this up:

If a player’s membership expires:

  • What happens to that player’s igloo?
  • What happens to that player’s outfits & costumes?
  • What happens to that player’s puffles?
  • Will that player be bale to play all game levels?
  • Will that player get all access to parties?

What happens to that player’s igloo?

Only members can purchase the igloo furniture and decorate with member-only items.

If a membership expires, igloo and furniture will be put into storage.

All member items will be accessible again if the membership is renewed on the same penguin’s account.

What happens to that player’s outfits & costumes?

Players can continue to use all free-player items collected during events, and any items redeemed through the Treasure Book.

All other member-only items will be placed in storage.

All member items will be accessible again if the membership is renewed on the same penguin’s account.

What happens to that player’s puffles?

Players will be able to care for all previously adopted puffles.

Only members can adopt up to 20 puffles in-game and purchase pet furniture, hats, and toys.

Will that player be able to play all game levels?

Only members can play all game levels and collect exclusive Stamps.

If a membership expires, only some game levels will be accessible.

Will that player get all access to parties?

Everyone can join most parties.

But only members can access certain areas, challenge special quests & mazes and get exclusive party items.

There are also new postcards:

The following page has been updated:

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Wow…I feel for the kids that give in to these temptations that are on the rise for membership, its cruel.